March 2024

Making Gender Visible: An Investment Path to Systemic Inclusion

by Geeta Aiyer, CFA, founder & President of Boston Common Asset Management

Until now, gender has not received adequate priority and has been largely confined to a single data point under workplace diversity efforts. While workplace-focused efforts that call for advancements like enhanced disclosure and board diversity are vital to supporting the infrastructure necessary to evolve toward gender equality in corporate environments, lasting change will require more comprehensive gender prioritization across corporate value chains.

KeyBank Marks Fair Housing Month With Events at Branches and in the Communities It Serves

To mark Fair Housing Month, KeyBank will host Community Lending Days at several branches. Mortgage Loan Officers will be on hand to offer advice and details on products and assistance programs available to homebuyers.

Community Lending Days take place at the following dates, locations and times:

On International Day of Forests, IP Shows How Landowners Use Controlled Burns To Promote Healthy Forests That Withstand Wildfires, Help Wildlife

On International Day of Forests, International Paper (IP) and longtime partner the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) celebrate landowners across the U.S. South that manage non-industrial private forests with controlled burns that help create thriving habitats, safer communities and more resilient forests.

Mastercard: A Conversation With Trevor Noah and Melinda French Gates

The Global Inclusive Growth Summit returns on April 18, 2024. As we look forward to coming back together in person and virtually, we offer these highlights from the 2023 event, hosted by Mastercard and the Aspen Institute. The Global Inclusive Growth Summit 2023 brought together private sector, social impact and government leaders to share ways to make economies more equitable.

Volunteer Programs Can Build Morale and Improve Retention

Embarking on a journey of corporate volunteerism can be a transformative experience, not just for the community but also for the employees and the organization as a whole. According to a 2023 global study conducted by Edge Research for Ares Management, employer-sponsored volunteer programs not only foster goodwill in the community but also significantly impact employee satisfaction and retention rates.

Molecular Recycling Study Demonstrates a Closed-Loop Solution for Automotive Plastic Waste

Cars don’t last forever, but thanks to a new advanced recycling technology developed by Eastman, some automotive materials can be recycled infinitely.

When vehicles at the end of life are shredded, the leftover materials known as automotive shredder residue (ASR) or “auto fluff” typically ends up in landfills or incinerators. Eastman worked with several partners on a feasibility study that demonstrated successful molecular recycling of ASR.

How Does Your Power Company Celebrate Global Recycling Day?

When you think about Global Recycling Day, you probably think about bottles and cans—but did you know that at Delmarva Power, we’re recycling our utility poles?

Our poles are one of dozens of materials we recycle, including transformers, cable wire, scrap metal, office computers and even tree trimmings. It takes a lot of effort and creative thinking to keep our recycling efforts going strong! Thanks to our dedicated Environmental Management team who works to reduce our environmental footprint and help protect our planet for future generations.

Ceres Supports Bipartisan FOREST Act To Build More Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains in the U.S. and Around the World

March 21, 2024 /3BL/ - On International Day of Forests, Ceres today announced its support for the FOREST Act, bipartisan federal legislation that would leverage U.S. trade policy to protect global biodiversity and the climate by restricting the importation of foreign products from land that has been illegally deforested overseas.
