December 2024

Hidden Valley Ranch Celebrates 70th Anniversary With a Gift to Others

A coordinated nationwide campaign in honor of Hidden Valley Ranch’s 70th anniversary brought teammates across the U.S. together to volunteer their time with nonprofit organizations working to address food insecurity. The Seven Communities for Seven Decades project, spearheaded by the brand in partnership with our Social Impact team, aimed to strengthen the places we call home.

Here are some highlights from the project: 

Balancing Protection and Resources: Right-Sizing Environmental Incident Response

Incidents like oil spills, industrial accidents, and chemical leaks highlight the severe social and environmental consequences of corporate unpreparedness. Companies involved in such emergencies often face scrutiny, not just for the incidents themselves but also for the efficiency—or inefficiency—of their response efforts.

Sip, Return, Repeat: What One City’s Reusable Cup Trial Taught Yum! Brands About Sustainable Packaging

Yum! Brands

Habit Burger & Grill, KFC and Taco Bell customers in Petaluma, California, recently participated in the United States’ first city-wide reusable cup program, and their parent company is using data collected from that project to inform future packaging decisions.

Inside COP29: Outcomes and Insights From Azerbaijan

COP, one of the largest and most significant international conferences on environmental issues, just occurred in November in Azerbaijan. In this episode, you will hear from three Inogen Alliance members who attended the event and have been heavily involved in the negotiations as they share their insights and learnings from this year's gathering. We hear from Dr. Amr Abdel-Aziz, Chairman at Integral Consult in Egypt, Ilkin Haji, Founder & Executive Director at Sustainera Solutions in Azerbaijan, and Hilton Lucio, CEO of Antea Brasil.

Listen now:

Delmarva Power Enhances Winter Readiness of Energy Grid, Urges Customer Preparedness

NEWARK, Del., December 18, 2024 /3BL/ - As winter nears, Delmarva Power is conducting essential infrastructure upgrades and maintenance to help ensure reliable energy service. This proactive work includes fortifying the local energy grid and integrating innovative smart technology to meet rising customer demand and keep homes and businesses warm and well-lit throughout the season.
