Big media interest at the pressconference held on 29th September as the first Austrian Company verified towards ISO 26000! Based on the Austrian Standard 192500 the Oberösterreichische Ferngas Netz Company, a gaspipeline operator, is the first company to conclude an audit successfully and is now able to claim its Social Responsibility Activities are based on ISO 26000. See links of TV and press reports.
Please note that the copyrights for the following articles/video streams are property of their respective publishers.
Oberösterreichische Heute
OÖ Ferngas erhält Zertifikat
ISO 26000: OÖ. Ferngas Netz – 1. zertifiziertes Unternehmen Österreichs
OÖ. Ferngas Netz ist erstes nach ISO 26000 zertifizierte Unternehmen Österreichs
OÖ Ferngas Netz GmbH zertifiziert