1 Draft
Created Wednesday, February 1 at 7:12pm. See draft.
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3 Reviews
Supply Chain Management in a sustainable way is one of the core competencies of the CSR Company International. We work with companies like Marks & Spencer, Nordea and many others to ensure that supply chains are an opportunity rather than a risk factor. Our unique global experience and presence allows us to support our clients in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. We also conduct Social Audits based on buyers code of conducts, but also based on UNGC, ISO 26000 and other ISO standards, especially ISO 20400 - Sustainable Procurement, but also Business and Human Rights, and industry specific standards. To learn more please visit www.csr-company.com or get in touch with us at: office@csr-company.com
Reporting on CSR is getting more and more mainstream, with some substantial flaws. Non-Reporting on Green House Gas emissions is still not seen as a business risk, while in some places the necessity to report on Human Rights aspects is not seen. Both issues are vital to survival of businesses in the future, be it in regards to their social license to operate or even their legal license. To avoid such sleeping risks, the CSR Company International supports companies worldwide i...
Für alle die sich schon mit den SDGs beschäftigt haben in ihren Unternehmungen, hier eine Möglichkeit dafür auch eine Auszeichnung abzuholen.
Der #Ethik-Beirat des #SenatÖsterreich lädt Unternehmen aus ganz Österreich ein, für den #SDG-#award des SENAT einzureichen! Alle Details gibts hier: http://www.senat-oesterreich.at/…/sdg-award-des-senat-jetz…/
One would think that environmental issues are on all of our agenda - obviously they are not or not enough. I think we are still believing in technical solutions rather than in incremental change. We need new business models - CSR Company International helps companies and organizations worldwide in developing new business models that create profits. It will not be enough to simply do good, we need to change the way we think business. For more take a look at: www.csr-company.com
More than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries issue 'warning to humanity' http://www.cbc.ca/1.4395767#ScientistsWarningToHumanity
Diversity should be clear by now, but with political ideologies trying to make people think Diversity would be something bad, it is even more important to make clear for business leaders, the more your company reflects the society in which you are working in, the better it will deal with expectations of stakeholders. It is not politics, it is not rocket science, it is CSR. One of the leading heads internationally in the field of Diversity is our own Dr. Gabriele Sauberer. CSR Company International was also one of the drivers in creating a Standard on Diversity Management. If you want to learn more, visit www.csr-company.com
CSR Company International representative in Bulgaria conducting a training in Sofia on the importance of CSR for businesses. Something not yet understood in many places, and by many corporations. If you want to learn more, visit www.csr-company.com
Compliance is not CSR, it is only part of it. Nike does not do anything legally wrong, but every "normal" citizen thinks it is wrong to not pay taxes and use tax avoidance constructions, especially as the "normal" citizen cannot make use of that. But now comes the point for Nike: it are these "normal" people who are the customers of Nike, and if they think it wrong then that harms the brand, sales, reputation, social responsibility etc. Think about it and if you want to know more, then have a look at CSR Company International website: www.csr-company.com
European Heads of State coming together to discuss Social issues and how the European Union can be more socially responsible towards its citizens. Watch the live stream on Nov. 17th By the way, that is part of transparency - nothing behind closed doors. Another principle of CSR according to ISO 26000. Learn more about it on www.csr-company.com
Group of Managers from South Korean Social- and Healthinsurance providers visited CSR Company International office in Wiener Neustadt this week to learn about strategic CSR and how this concept can help them maintain the social license to operate. Really good meeting and great "aha" experiences
CSR Company International has the pleasure of supporting French alcohol drink producer Pernod Ricard in developing their CSR report. Responsible drinking is one element of a broad campaign. This picture below is taken from a different producer but is genius campaigning for the same cause. CSR Company International has the strong belief that CSR is not about what you do but how you do it. That is the key to good CSR. See more on www.csr-company.com
Paying tax is part of the social responsibility of any organisation. As one of the principles of ISO 26000 is respect for the applicable law, Organizations benefit from infrastructure, security, education, health and social peace, they use resources (human, natural etc), so paying taxes is elementary to be able to maintain these services, that make business possible at all. CSR Company International supports you in recognizing the stakeholder expectations and integrating CSR into the core business strategy. www.csr-company.com
Identifying new ways of doing business is one of main reasons why clients come to us - the CSR Company International. Plastic is a sunset technology (outdated), companies big in polyethylene production have to rethink their business model, with increasing number of states forbidding the use of plastic bags and other items. CSR as the tool to achieve sustainability is the management approach needed. We support you. www.csr-company.com
A colossal ‘sea of plastic’ which stretches for miles has been found floating in the Caribbean.
So is it time to change our plastic bottle behaviour? (Via BBC Radio 5 live)
Calculating your CO2 Emissions is a first step to set up a strategy to fight climate change. Then you have something to measure and set targets. CSR Company International helps you measure and evaluate your CO2 emissions and set a realistic plan aligned with your business strategy to contribute your part to fight climate change. More on www.csr-company.com
“In the past our response was focused on reducing the causes of global warming, but given that climate change is inevitable, according to the IPCC, we are now discussing how to respond to the natural disasters that will follow."