Ing. Beata Hlavčáková

Beata has 17 years practical experiences in CSR. For 7 years led the platform of responsible companies in Slovakia (BLF Slovakia), created its strategy and CSR strategies for large and SMEs companies, provided trainings and consultations, led stakeholder´s dialogues for multinationals, audited CSR reports, designed CSR Award.
On the national level she cooperated on creation of CSR National Strategy in Slovakia and Czech Republic, was member of the Steering Committee of Slovak Global Compact, led an adaptation of GRI Reporting Guidelines for Slovakia (Certified trainer for GRI Guidelines), designed and explained CSR surveys.
She popularized CSR among business associations, corporations, government representatives, international organizations, lectured CSR at various events and universities, wrote the articles of the CSR in Slovak Media, interviewed CEOs.
Led and cooperated on international projects on CSR and sustainability (EU, UNDP, EBRD).
She combines her knowledge with practical business experiences (Head of Marketing, BrightFuture Director in Orange Slovensko; Marketing Officer Slovak-American Enterprise Fund) to use CSR as a tool beneficial for all stakeholders.