A History of the Women Who Nurtured the Roots of CDFIs

by Amy Domini of Domini Impact Investments

Did you know that today our nation has a healthy CDFI network that makes financial services accessible and economic prosperity possible for millions? NACDLF, now known as Opportunity Finance Network, which is now celebrating 40 years, and its members have distributed $111,087,489,003 over those four decades. Behind the figures are million new jobs and over 800,000 new businesses in addition to the housing and community services provided to millions. Further, just this past year, CDFIs received roughly $16 billion in federal grants for the development of clean energy, decarbonization of transportation and the built environment and pathways to a clean energy economy by and for disadvantaged communities. All this grew from an initial disbursement of $35 million, thoughtfully handled, from the US Treasury. And the women are still strong in support. OFN CDFI’s women’s network has 1,600 members in 15 local chapters.

Community Development Financial Institutions are an essential component in bending towards justice, and women were essential architects of the field.

Read Amy's full article featuring an insightful perspective on the Women who nurtured the roots and helped grow CDFIs. All here- https://greenmoney.com/a-history-of-the-women-who-nurtured-the-roots-of-cdfis
