Empowering Entrepreneurs: Interview With Frank Gaspari, CEO of FlexPrint

Frank Gaspari, CEO of FlexPrint, is stewarding FlexPrint’s presenting sponsorship of Whole Planet Foundation’s Party With A Purpose on October 25, 2023. This annual benefit and auction celebrates the Foundation’s global impact on poverty and creates an opportunity for donors and volunteers to come together and create more income-generating opportunities for the world’s microentrepreneurs working hard to escape poverty.

Q: Why is FlexPrint supporting Whole Planet Foundation at the top sponsorship level?

A: At FlexPrint, we're not just focused on our business, but on the larger impact we can have in the world. This is why our partnership with Whole Planet Foundation, at the top sponsorship level, means so much to us. The foundation’s mission – to provide microloans, especially to women entrepreneurs, and help them achieve their dreams – is something we truly believe in. Everyone deserves a chance to succeed, and with the Whole Planet Foundation, we're helping to create those opportunities. By backing them, we're investing in people’s ambitions and the promise of a brighter future.

Q: What was the inspiration for your personal path to amplify the mission of non-profits?

A: As the CEO of Flex Technology Group, my journey wasn't a solitary one. Throughout the stages of starting and growing my businesses, I was fortunate to be surrounded by individuals who offered invaluable advice, support, and sometimes, just a helping hand when I needed it most. This personal history is why our partnership with Whole Planet Foundation resonates so deeply with me. Their commitment to providing microloans, especially to budding women entrepreneurs, is akin to those gestures of support I received in my early days. I understand the profound impact of having someone believe in your vision and potential, and I feel a strong sense of duty to extend that same support to others. By sponsoring Whole Planet Foundation at the top level, FlexPrint isn't just donating; we're repaying a debt of gratitude, providing others with the same chance and hope that was once given to me.

Q: What are FlexPrint’s core values and how do they come to life?

A: At FlexPrint, our core values are the compass guiding every decision we make and every action we undertake.

1. Integrity: We believe in doing the right thing, even when no one's looking. This is evident in the transparent and honest relationships we maintain with our clients and partners.

2. Innovation: We continually strive to stay ahead of the curve, pushing boundaries and seeking better solutions for our clients. Our cutting-edge products and services are testament to this relentless pursuit of innovation.

3. Customer Centricity: Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We don't just offer services; we tailor solutions that best fit our clients' needs, ensuring they always come first.

4. Collaboration: Teamwork is in our DNA. We know that the best results come from working together, both internally and with our clients and partners.

5. Community Impact: We understand the role businesses play in bettering the world. Our top-tier sponsorship of the Whole Planet Foundation is just one of the many ways we give back and make a difference.

Each day, these values come to life in the way we interact with our clients, approach challenges, and contribute to the community. They're not just words on paper; they're the essence of FlexPrint's identity.

Q: What’s the greatest business lesson you’ve learned from supporting non-profits like Whole Planet Foundation?

A: In our journey at FlexPrint, supporting non-profits like Whole Planet Foundation has provided a profound business lesson: success is not just measured by profit margins or market share, but by the positive impact we can make on the world. Engaging with Whole Planet Foundation, which aids individuals in realizing their entrepreneurial aspirations, reminded me of the help I personally received during my early days. It underscored the importance of community, collaboration, and the ripple effect that even a small gesture can create. In business, fostering genuine relationships and investing in the greater good isn't just a moral imperative; it strengthens our brand, reinforces trust with our clients, and instills a deeper sense of purpose among our team. True success, we've come to realize, lies in blending our corporate objectives with a broader vision of uplifting society.

Q: To what do you attribute FlexPrint’s success to date and what are the brands goals for the next 3-5 years?

A: FlexPrint's success to date can be largely attributed to our unwavering commitment to core values like innovation, customer centricity, and integrity. Our team's relentless drive to offer cutting-edge solutions, while fostering genuine relationships with clients, has positioned us at the forefront of our industry. Looking ahead, our goals for the next 3-5 years are multifaceted. We aim to expand our market reach, delving into newer segments and geographies, while maintaining the high standards of service our clients have come to expect. Equally important, we'll be deepening our commitment to social responsibility, building on our partnerships with organizations like Whole Planet Foundation, and implementing more sustainable business practices. At the heart of our future endeavors is a clear vision: to combine business growth with a positive, lasting impact on the communities we serve.

Q: What about Whole Planet Foundation resonates with FlexPrint?

A: Whole Planet Foundation's mission to empower individuals, especially budding entrepreneurs, aligns seamlessly with FlexPrint's core ethos. We recognize the transformative power of offering a helping hand, having been beneficiaries of guidance and support during our foundational years. The foundation’s focus on granting microloans, particularly to women, mirrors our belief in creating opportunities and fostering innovation. Just as Whole Planet Foundation is committed to nurturing dreams, FlexPrint is dedicated to enabling success, making our partnership more than just sponsorship – it's a shared vision for a brighter, more inclusive future.

Q: What advice do you have for entrepreneurs like yourself who also want to make an impact? 

A: Entrepreneurs starting their journey with a desire to make an impact should understand that true success lies in blending passion with purpose. While financial gains are important, it's the legacy we leave behind that speaks volumes. Start by defining what 'impact' means to you, whether it's supporting local communities, championing environmental causes, or fostering innovation. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals, as collaboration magnifies impact. Remember, every small effort counts. You don't have to wait until you're a large enterprise to start making a difference. Begin with what you have and let your desire to create positive change be your guiding light. And above all, stay true to your values, as they are the foundation upon which lasting impacts are built.