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Rezulati iskanja

  1. Revizija DOP

    ... revizijo družbene odgovornosti podjetja, ki je neodvisen in objektiven proces, temelječ na celovitem standardu DOP ISO 26000. V ... politik družbene odgovornosti, za strateteško usmerjanje in nadzor socialnih, okoljskih tveganj in tveganj upravljanja ter tudi za ...

    alien - 21.11.2016 - 10:05

  2. Podjetje in ljudje

    ... ljudi, s katerimi sodelujemo. Njihove spretnosti, talente in kulturno raznolikost sprejemamo kot vir navdiha za naše delo. Cenimo in podpiramo tiste okoli nas. Za nas je pomembno, da jih spodbujamo, da ...

    alien - 27.04.2016 - 17:06

  3. Black & Veatch’s IgniteX Carbon Dioxide Removal Accelerator Accepting Applications from Innovators

    ... January 30, 2024 /3BL/ – At a time when nearly 200 countries recently pledged to ratchet up climate action before the end of ... Applicants will vie for the opportunity to participate in Black & Veatch’s IgniteX Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Accelerator, a ...

    Anonymous - 30.01.2024 - 17:00

  4. Global Market Adoption of WELL Surges: More Than 5 Billion Square Feet of Space Now Uses the World’s Leading Standard for Healthy Buildings and Healthy Organizations

    ... being used across more than 5 billion square feet of space in 130 countries, signaling its rapid and widespread adoption as the leading healthy ...

    Anonymous - 22.02.2024 - 16:25

  5. Poslanstvo

    Naše poslanstvo je, da omogočimo dobiček in da pomagamo podjetjem, vladam, zaposlenim, delničarjem in deležnikom, da v celoti dojamejo njegovo polno vrednost.  Naše ...

    alien - 15.09.2015 - 16:25

  6. Climate Talks: Unpacking COP28 and the State of Climate Action in 2024

    ... and what the landscape for private sector action looks like in 2024. 1. First of all, did COP28 deliver? Frederic ... agreement on a Loss and Damage Fund to support vulnerable countries in dealing with the effects of climate change. We even saw some ...

    Anonymous - 20.12.2023 - 15:00

  7. Essity Hygiene and Health Report 2023–2024: Promoting Better Policies for Better Lives

    ... lives, which includes identifying best practices across countries and making the economic case for scaling up prevention policies ... to be forgotten unless governments keep up investments in preventive measures, including to ensure that good hand hygiene practices ...

    Anonymous - 19.12.2023 - 17:00

  8. Privacy Notification

    ... This notice describes how we process your personal data in connection with this website. 1. What data we process about you ... your personal information there. The privacy level in other countries may not be the same as your country's. However, we only transfer your ...

    alien - 07.11.2021 - 18:30

  9. Meritve in vrednotenje DOP

    Našim strankam svetujemo in pomagamo pri merjenju učinkovitosti njihovih strategij in programov DOP. Napredek pri uresničevanju DOP ciljev, ki so si jih ... uspešnosti DOP razlikujejo glede na organizacijo in glede na njihovo povezavo s strategijo ali programi, so to v vsakem primeru ...

    alien - 15.09.2015 - 16:57

  10. Implementacija ISO 26000

    ... Učite se od vodje – vpeljava standarda ISO 26000 in implementacija Standarda DOP z najboljšo možno podporo. ISO 26000 vam ...

    alien - 15.09.2015 - 16:55
