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Rezulati iskanja

  1. Clients - Banking

    Bank Audi – Lebanon – largest Bank in the country. Implementing ISO 26000 National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) – building a strategic CSR program into the bank business strategy based on ISO 26000 Diamond Bank – Nigeria –...

    alien - 17.11.2017 - 19:37

  2. Državne strategije o DOP

    Slovenija nima sprejete državne strategije o DOP. Zainteresirani smo za sodelovanje pri razvoju državne strategije.  

    webmaster - 26.05.2018 - 18:17

  3. Clients - Development Agencies

    ADA – Business & Development Unit, Feasibility Study for Affordable Housing Project with Wienerberger AG for Austrian Development Agency GIZ – Global CSR Retreat faculty, Training of GIZ staff Indonesia, preparing offer for P...

    alien - 17.11.2017 - 19:29

  4. Clients - Telecommunications

    Vivacell – MTS – Armenia – largest mobile phone provider in Armenia  - Training of CSR relevant staff and audit for implementation of ISO 26000, Sustainability Report according to GRI Telekom Austria – largest mobile and landl...

    alien - 17.11.2017 - 19:56

  5. resilisense

    resili sense The sustainability management toolkit WHAT IS RESILISENSE Resilisense is a state-of-the-art sustainability management tool. Record data, evaluate performance, monitor progress and report on the org...

    alien - 24.11.2021 - 12:58

  6. CSR - Homepage - Austria

    The CSR Company International Austria Office details (Slovenian) City (Slovenian) Innsbruck (Administration), Vienna (Office), Wiener Neustadt (Training Centre) Telef...

    webmaster - 22.04.2024 - 08:17

  7. Clients - Agribusiness

    Great Giant Pineapple (GGP) - Lampung/Indonesia, 3rd largest Pineapple Producer globally, Sustainability Strategy consulting / GIZ project Amalphia – Cyprus, fruit & vegetables, largest distributer on the island ...

    alien - 17.11.2017 - 19:34

  8. Novice

    To be translated - The CSR Company is a frequent contributor to international media articles as well as industry conferences and sustainability forums. Find out here about the latest developments and events on CSR shaping the way to sust...

    alien - 12.10.2015 - 18:28

  9. S transparentnostjo do boljšega rezultata - nova direktiva EU za razkritje nefinančnih podatkov

    15.aprila 2014 je Evropski parlament potrdil Direktivo o razkritju nefinančnih informacij velikih podjetij in skupin. Države članice bodo sprejele zakone, pravilnike in ostale akte, potrebne za uskladitev z direktovo do leta 2016. Prva por...

    administrator - 18.01.2016 - 10:47

  10. Storitve

    Naše rešitve so prilagojene za spreminjanje poslovanja, vključujejo tudi druga znanja, ki so nam na razpolago, in so oblikovane za soočanje z izzivi trajnostnega poslovanja, s katerimi se organizacije srečujejo danes. Od razvoja trdnih s...

    alien - 21.11.2016 - 10:06
