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  1. Poslanstvo

    Naše poslanstvo je, da omogočimo dobiček in da pomagamo podjetjem, vladam, zaposlenim, delničarjem in deležnikom, da v celoti dojamejo njegovo polno vrednost.  Naše poslanstvo nas zavezuje, da: dodajamo vrednost poslovanju naših s...

    alien - 15.09.2015 - 16:25

  2. Strategija oblikovanja in izvajanja DO

    Z našimi strankami aktivno sodelujemo pri oblikovanju strategij družbene odgovornosti podjetja in politik, povezanih s trajnostnim razvojem, poročanjem o DOP, proti podkupovanju in proti korupciji ter usklajevanju le-teh z obstoječimi vredno...

    alien - 15.09.2015 - 16:52

  3. Speaking of Sustainability: Asha Burry, Human Resources Leader

    ... 2022 Sustainability Report Asha Burry, national human resources leader for Canada, believes that when it comes to giving back to the ...

    Anonymous - 25.10.2023 - 17:30

  4. Newly Released Resources for Private Equity Investors Will Help Evaluate Portfolio Progress Toward Net Zero

    ... November 17, 2023 /3BL/ - Ceres welcomes two important new resources for private equity investors to help them evaluate and communicate ...

    Anonymous - 17.11.2023 - 23:45

  5. Hancock Whitney, Entergy Announce New Relationship To Expand Business Resources to Diverse Business

    ... offering small businesses more access to essential resources, including small business training, technical assistance, business ...

    Anonymous - 04.10.2023 - 17:20

  6. Vizija

    Misliti in delovati na družbeno odgovoren način je naše naravno stanje. Naša vizija je, da to delimo s podjetji in državami po celem svetu, s tem da postanemo njihov izbrani svetovalec za DOP. Živimo dinamično življenje v svetu, ki p...

    alien - 15.09.2015 - 16:22

  7. Take Time During Mental Health Awareness Week To Review These Resources

    Mental Health conditions among adults are on the rise across the country, which makes mental health screening more important than ever. Check out this helpful tool from Mental Health America that may help determine if you or a loved one ...

    Anonymous - 13.10.2023 - 17:30

  8. Meritve in vrednotenje DOP

    Našim strankam svetujemo in pomagamo pri merjenju učinkovitosti njihovih strategij in programov DOP. Napredek pri uresničevanju DOP ciljev, ki so si jih zastavili, je potrebno oceniti na sistematičen način s pomočjo razvoja niza ključnih ind...

    alien - 15.09.2015 - 16:57

  9. Verizon and Discovery Education Present New Virtual Field Trip Exploring Extended Reality

    ... upon Discovery Education’s immersive learning suite of resources , including a multi-year partnership with Verizon. Premiering ... with Discovery Education, our new virtual field trip and the resources available on Verizon Innovative Learning HQ are exposing students and ...

    Anonymous - 23.10.2023 - 16:35

  10. The Role of EHS in Workforce Mental Health Programs

    ... world events has created an urgent need for mental health resources – both at home and in the workplace.  A global survey by ... effectively address workplace culture and offers beneficial resources to your employees. Benefits of EHS Mental Health Programs ...

    Anonymous - 10.10.2023 - 20:10
