3BL Sustainability News

Volunteer Award Winner Julia Reilly: Being a Hero for Horses in Maryland

Julia Reilly, senior legal analyst, has turned her lifelong passion for horses into purpose with the Fair Hill Emergency Response Team (FHERT). Since 2019, Julia has spent countless hours working with the all-volunteer team, bringing a humane and dignified approach to large animal rescue in Northern Maryland, Northern Delaware, as well as Eastern and Lower Pennsylvania.

UN Plastics Treaty: Good for Business and the Planet

Last week the UN Plastics Treaty reached its final stages of negotiations at INC-4 in Ottawa, Canada, to develop a legally binding, international agreement to tackle plastic pollution across the entire plastics life cycle. The fifth and final round of negotiations is due to complete by the end of this year, where an agreement is expected to be formally ratified in 2025.

You Need Gen Z at the Table With Ziad Ahmed

Gen Z is an important stakeholder for companies: they're powerful consumers, passionate activists, and many are already part of the workforce. But when it comes to engaging Gen Z, older generations are the ones studying them—and deciding what will work best.

This felt counterproductive to 16-year-old Ziad Ahmed, who questioned why decisions about his generation were being made without them. And so Ziad founded JUV Consulting in 2016—when he and his co-founders were still teenagers—to help companies make decisions and create campaigns with diverse Gen Zers at the table.

Empowering Voices: Inspiring Session on Self-Advocacy and Allyship Hosted at Kohler

Originally published on LinkedIn

“Self-advocacy means standing up for your interest in a system that may not have been designed for you.”

“The ‘not-perfect idea’ is often the close cousin of the ‘amazing idea.’"

“When you share what you’re good at and share what you’re working on, it opens up opportunity.”
