Understanding and Emulating the Social Business Model
In many ways, it’s much easier to start a business that only needs to focus on the bottom line, so why create a venture that requires not only this but much more? Because for many, the challenge posed by social business is much more rewarding. Social entrepreneurs get to combine their passion for a social mission with their business expertise, innovative ideas, and drive to pursue an entrepreneurial spirit. For many, this offers an experience that can’t be matched by a traditional, solely profit-driven business model.
Social businesses are becoming increasingly popular, especially among young entrepreneurs and MBA grads who want to give back to the community. Before diving headfirst into your own social venture, however, it can be useful to learn a bit more about some of the more successful business models and companies that are already on the market and to learn just what you’ll need to do in order to make your own social business successful, too. You may just realize you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you before you’re ready to launch the next big social business.
Business for Social Responsibility
BSR provides a wealth of information on how companies approach corporate social responsibility. They are the leading organization in the US for CSR. They have a well-regarded annual conference, publish reports, and offers services to member organizations.
Business Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility Report
This publication reports on CSR issues and developments.
CSR Europe
CSR Europe is a clearinghouse on CSR issues in Europe.
African Institute of Corporate Citizenship
Focused on the continent of Africa, this nonprofit organization works to extend corporate citizenship in Africa through the development of tailored, solution-orientated consultants, working with companies and organizations.
Aspen ISIB
The Aspen Initiative for Social Innovation through Business (Aspen ISIB), a policy program of the Aspen Institute, encourages business to engage and invest in solutions to business and social problems.
Best Practices Database
This searchable database contains over 1600 proven solutions from more than 140 countries to the common social, economic and environmental problems of an urbanizing world.
Business in the Community
BITC is a unique movement of over 700 companies across the UK committed to improving continually their positive impact on society.
Canadian Business for Social Responsibility
CBSR is a not-for-profit membership organization of Canadian Business committed to developing, sharing and implementing corporate social responsibility.
Ashridge Centre for Business and Society
The ACBAS is a leading authority on relations between the corporate sector, government and communities, with particular emphasis on the changing role of business.
Centre for Innovation in Corporate Responsibility
The Centre's mission is to lead and assist businesses in redefining and realizing responsible international business practice. It aims to work in partnership with businesses working in or with developing countries to enhance business performance through sound corporate citizenship and responsible international business practices focused on sustainable human development.
Co-op America
A national nonprofit organization that provides the economic strategies, organizing power and practical tools for businesses and individuals to address today's social and environmental problems.
Corporate Community Involvement
Set up by the Charities Aid Foundation, this Website provides links to hundreds of company web pages for corporate community involvement, as well as case studies on best practices.
Corporate Responsibility Group
CRG acts as a forum for corporate professionals working in the field of corporate social responsibility to enhance the management of their company's activities, share best practice and to discuss relevant issues with Government and other appropriate organizations.
OECD-Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
The OECD groups 30 member countries in a unique forum to discuss, develop and refine economic and social policies. (OECD) Guidelines are voluntary, non-binding recommendations made by government to companies. The Guidelines are standards for multinational companies that were multilaterally agreed upon. They cover a range of issues including human rights, labour, environment, taxation and bribery. The Guidelines are applicable to all multinational enterprises and all their entities, regardless of where they do business, including in countries that do not adhere to the Guidelines. The Guidelines do not empower citizens because they do not endow them with any rights. However, any interested party can file a complaint against a company that does not adhere to the guidelines. Complaints are filed with National Contact Points located in OECD and signatory countries