November 2023

Bengals and Fifth Third Bank Team Up With Freestore Foodbank To Donate 2,000 Holiday Meals to Local Families

CINCINNATI, November 22, 2023 /3BL/ - The Cincinnati Bengals and Fifth Third Bank teamed up with Freestore Foodbank to hold a drive-through Holiday Meal Distribution on Tuesday, Nov. 21 at the Fifth Third Bank Madisonville Operational Center. During the 3-hour event, 2,000 holiday meal boxes were distributed, feeding as many as 8,000 people in the community.

Sustainable Apparel Coalition Launches New Website

The SAC has redesigned its website to significantly enhance the user experience of visitors, better reflect the revised strategic plan, and amplify member success stories. Through a series of user-testing sessions, the organization sourced input from a diverse array of SAC members, including manufacturers, brands and retailers, service providers, and key affiliates. The collected feedback was carefully processed and incorporated into the designs, creating a modern and user-friendly experience while enhancing ease of information access.

Mount Paul Community Food Centre: Filling Tummies and Feeding Community Spirit

At exactly 12 p.m. on a Monday, the unassuming grey building nestled at the intersection of Cherry Ave. and Laburnum St. in Kamloops, BC opens its doors.

A steady stream of people make their way inside, heading to neatly arranged tables that mimic a restaurant setting. Friendly volunteers warmly welcome the guests and serve up the menu of the day—a freshly prepared, nourishing meal.

Nielsen's Global Impact Day 2023

That’s a wrap on NGID 2023! While our day of service might be over, we are committed to operating responsibly and sustainably year-round.

NGID (Nielsen Global Impact Day) is our annual day of service, where employees step away from work and step into their local communities to volunteer and give back. Nielsen encourages all associates to participate in NGID and other volunteer events throughout the year using their 24 hours of annual volunteer time.
