CSR Company International writes the sustainability report of Teranga Gold Corporation

CSR Company International writes the sustainability report of Teranga Gold Corporation

The CSR Company International was commissioned by Teranga Gold Corporation, a Canadian-based gold company, to write the first sustainability report for the Sabodala gold mine, a large regional exploration land package, located in Senegal, West Africa. The report is based on ISO 26000 with a framework on the basis of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It is a supplement to the annual report and sets out the achievements for sustainability and corporate responsibility issues of Teranga Gold. The Sustainability Report describes the main developments and presents results in the areas of education, health and agriculture revitalization, environmental protection, water treatment and water protection.

With the acquisition of Sabodala Gold Operation (SGO) in 2010, one of the largest land positions in the West African Birimian geological belt in Senegal, Teranga Gold Corporation has taken a great responsibility for the development of the region and the conservation, protection and regeneration of the environment, which is affected by their actions. Currently, there are already implemented many social and environmental projects that are developed hand in hand with the local community, concerned organizations and government departments.

A special attention is given to the Organizational Health and Safety and the workforce. The goal is to achieve a high percentage of local and national staff. Currently, the proportion of Senegalese is at 90%, 40% of which are positioned in the middle management. Over the next few years their major goals will be to adapt their actions and business practices to ISO 26000. With the help of external experts, a new Region Development Strategy (RDS) will be developed in 2012, a fully integrated, proactive social plan to implement the plans and actions of national and regional, departmental and local governments in accordance with the mine plan. Also the Sabodala gold mine aims to get according to ISO 14000 certified by the end of 2012.