CSR - Q20131205-8

How many Area coverd in CSR Activity BY MNC

I guess the question relates to how many areas of social responsibility a multinationa company covers. Well, depends on what it is doing. The first check that a company or any kind of organisation for that matter has to do is the materiality check, so what are its major impacts, where does it have relevant and significant issues to deal with and secondly but equally important, what are the key expectations of stakeholders. Only then one can define the scope of areas that a company, MNC or SME has to cover. Additionally one would in a second step then look at the sphere of influence, meaning, the responsibility does not end at the factory gate but goes beyond that if there is influence on other entities, such as daughter companies or companies which depend mostly on us as buyer or other relationships of influence. Then the responsibility extends also to these.

Hope this answers your question.

