CNH Prioritizes Digitalization for Sustainability at the EU Agri-Food Days

CNH recently participated in the EU Agri-Food Days, an event promoted by the European Commission Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development in Brussels.

The annual event stimulates discourse on trends, policies, and the future impact of the digitalization of agriculture and rural areas, drawing a diverse range of stakeholders.

Gianluca Feligini, the Head of Precision Technology for CNH EMEA, represented both CNH and CEMA at the EU-Agri Digital Conference themed "Digitalization for Sustainability". He illustrated how CNH's precision technology solutions portfolio enhance farmers' efficiency and sustainability.

The conference served as a valuable platform to emphasize diverse perspectives to institutional stakeholders. Participants addressed the latest advancements in precision agriculture and technology to institutional stakeholders, elaborating on artificial intelligence, digital platforms for more connected operation, and alternative propulsion.

CNH’s participation in the conference demonstrates the company’s commitment to sustainability in agriculture.